Useful Web Links
Check out these links - they will give you a list of very good resources and links as well.
This website ( is great for heart diseases, and there is a SCAD specific page: If you click on the "resources" section of that page, there is a link "Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection : A Guide for Patients and Families (PDF)" which is a great resource (you can paste these url’s into your browser).
NEW!! SCAD specific APP
The SCAD Warrior app is a collection of self-paced modules designed to help you and your loved ones in your recovery from SCAD. It was created for you as a resource to be helpful whether you just experienced SCAD or if you are weeks, months or years out from your SCAD.
Follow these steps to get the app:
1. Visit from your smartphone or mobile device.
2. Install the app by using your browser's "Add to home screen" feature.
3. You're done!
Includes topics such as:
What is SCAD, including risk factors, diagnosing SCAD, and treating SCAD
SCAD Research and exercises and so much more!
Useful Publications
Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: Current State of the Science: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association (2018)
SCAD - hand-out from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute
The vital role of the ER in Improving Outcomes of SCAD (2014)
Coronary Flow Reserve in Patients with Prior SCAD and Recurrent Angina (2020)
Useful Document - Carry Medical Information with you
It is recommended that people with special medical conditions carry detailed medical information with them at all times in case of emergency. If you have not already arranged for a medical alert bracelet, have this on your phone, or chosen another option, you might be interested in the attached document. It’s a modification of an idea from a hospital in Alberta.
A page of instructions and a template of the emergency medical card document are provided for you below. You can obviously print as many as you need (you may want to keep on in your purse, in your car, your gym bag etc.). Later on if your information changes or if you discover an error, it’s easy to update your “card” by typing in the new information to replace the old details. You then simply reprint the sheet, cut, fold and trim your new “card” and it’s ready to go. If you have problems accessing these documents, please contact us and we will email them to you.
Click on this link for our SCAD BC Emergency Medical Card Document Guide
For a sample of what information to include, please follow this link for our SCAD BC Sample Emergency Medical Card
Useful Videos
In the News:
Conservative Management, Careful Diagnosis Key for Good SCAD Outcomes
**Click on the link above to read full article.
Saw J. Canadian SCAD: long-term clinical outcomes of SCAD from the nationwide prospective North American registry. Presented at: TCT 2021. Orlando, FL. November 4, 2021.
García-Guimarães. SR-SCAD: long-term clinical outcomes of SCAD from the nationwide prospective Spanish registry. Presented at: TCT 2021. Orlando, FL. November 4, 2021.
Recent Research Presented
This article summarizes two new registry studies of SCAD.
It highlights the importance of medical therapy and proper diagnosis of SCAD.